Dog shelter Da Quinta, Portugal

In the beautiful countryside next to a river is the small dog shelter from the association Animais Da Quinta. 30 dogs are currently living there. With more living in foster homes. Two part-time employees are doing the daily jobs like cleaning and feeding, and a handful of volunteers are coming everyday to help at the shelter - driving dogs to the vet and walking them. They devote all their time to making the dogs life’s as good as possible.The whole shelter was built by the volunteers with donated material. It is wonderful to see how much passion they put into this. All the costs for the dog care are covered by donations.

To learn more about the shelter, please watch the video below.



500 EUR monthly since January 2023 

2’340 EUR one-off donation

What have we achieved

With the donations of INA KESS Animal Foundation, the organisation Animais Da Quinta is able to pay two part-time employees, who are doing daily jobs like cleaning, feeding etc. With the one-off donation from INA KESS Animal Foundation, the organisation Animais Da Quinta will be able to renew the dog houses and fences at the shelter.

Future goal

We would like to support the Associção Animais Da Quinta in the long term, so more dogs in need get the help they require and a safe place to stay.

For more informations about the dog shelter, you can visit their Facebook.


Freethebees, Switzerland


Cemetery Cats Corfu, Greece